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Everyone in We Believe there's A Book
Everyone in We Believe there's A Book

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Few new authors are able to get a contract from a conventional publishing house. Conventional publishers have little capital to risk on an unproven venture. Some publishers reject thousands of proposals for every manuscript that they do accept. Until recently, the determined author was faced with only a few unsatisfactory options:

Imagine the complications of ISBNs, copyright, legal deposits, barcodes, editing, layout, designing a cover, tendering the printing, paying for a press run, arranging warehousing, setting up accounts with wholesalers and retailers, notifying the book trade, creating a website, securing merchant credit card accounts, receiving a trickle of orders, packaging and postage, invoicing, collecting accounts, etc., etc.)!!!!

Clearly this isn’t a solution for most aspiring authors.


The solution lies in our ability to turn your manuscript into a superbly designed, high quality, legally registered, perfect bound book with a full color glossy cover, marketed to a limitless international audience and sold through the worlds leading book stores without YOU having to pay for one book!

We are specialists in the publishing and the effective marketing of inspirational books. A self-publishing enterprise dedicated to the success of others, we provide first class book publishing services for both new and seasoned authors. We publish books on subjects like: business, wealth creation, personal development, motivation, inspirational fiction and the invaluable lessons gained from experiences.


The difference between a good author and a best selling author is purely down to the ability for one to market themselves effectively. The more active a role you take in marketing your book, the better the results - guaranteed. Understanding what motivates readers, helps inform your book marketing strategies by addressing both a reader’s emotional and logical impulses to form a connection, leave an impression, and ultimately capture the sale.

Our strategy for your success is to offer you a cost-effective publishing services specifically designed to give you the leverage you need to make a strong and lasting impression in the marketplace. Each publishing package will give your book a decisive advantage in the market as well as create the positive buzz needed to generates sales.

As part of the ever-expanding Life and Success Media Group (LS Media), we’re able to offer a raft of marketing strategies, some of which is through media we own or control. This includes magazines, websites, email marketing services and various social media marketing services.

View our publishing packages  

To get started first read through our FAQ’s in order to acquaint yourself with the dynamics of our services. Once you have done that, simply provided us with the information requested below and we will reply promptly.


Simply fill in the form below and we will get back to you promptly.